As you may be aware there are exciting new bicycle projects underway in the Columbia River Gorge, and more on the drawing boards. In 2013 almost two miles of paved trail was opened in the I-84 corridor completing the connection between Troutdale and Cascade Locks, and providing a much safer and more comfortable route for cyclists and pedestrians
More projects are in the works, including a new trail segment between Wyeth (Exit 51 on I-84) and Starvation Creek State Park (Exit 56 on I-84). Future projects will include completion of the trail between Viento State Park and Hood River, allowing complete passage through the Gorge without ever having to ride or walk on the I-84 shoulder. This last segment will include a tunnel, parking and other amenities and will have similar appeal to the Hatfield Trail east of Hood River. These trails and improvements also provide more parking and access for Gorge area mountain biking trails.
Travel Oregon and the Friends of the Historic Columbia River Highway are supporting research to analyze the benefits of these bicycle enhancements.
If you have ridden a bike somewhere in the Columbia River Gorge during 2013, or bike the Gorge regularly
please help us by going to the link below and completing the questionnaire.
The information you provide is not available from any other source and will be a vital part of the research project. Your responses will be used for research purposes only and will be kept strictly confidential.
The Text in this post was provided by Travel Oregon, of which Cycle Portland is a strong supporter.
Thank You!